XALPEN – Wowk Otrr – TAPE

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Xalpen “Wowk Otrr” MLP (MSR-XXXVII)

The second awakening for this raw black metal act!

Release Date: September 13th, 2018
Label: Morbid Skull Records
Catalog Number: MSR-XXXVII
Formats: CD/CASSETTE/12″ MLP

This is the cassette version limited to 50 pieces.

Track list:

1. Intro – 0:22
2. Kay’taw hawrr sho’on palakaw-msh -( A Cold Rain Under a Cloudless Sky ) 4:20
3. Ten Hashpen – In Darkness Remains 7:28
4. K’terrnenqár Shwaken – The Vengeance of K´térnen 3:40
5. Xosh Kassek – Chant to Hosh 4:36
6. Wowk Otrr – ( Oculus Australis ) 2:18
7. Sèyta – ( the Barn Owl ) / Outro( Piano Suite ) 1:42

Keykrok (Guitar & Vocals)
Tarem-Keláash (Bass & Vocals)
Kamok (Guitar)
Wéyntek (Drums)